Nathan Pickard wrote:Stephan. I enjoyed the movie very much. I was wondering whether you have ever let grass grow around your fruit tree and can talk about the difference in yield?
Stefan Sobkowiak wrote:
Nathan Pickard wrote:Stephan. I enjoyed the movie very much. I was wondering whether you have ever let grass grow around your fruit tree and can talk about the difference in yield?
I planted another 1.5 acre block in 2008 the year after the block in the movie. I let grass grow around the trees. It's a disaster. Many trees are 4 feet high and covered in flowers. These trees should be 12 feet high. Yield is 10-20% of what they should be. A third block of 2 acres with a plastic mulch planted in 2009 gives far more and is doing much better. Lesson: if you plant fruit trees make sure they have 5 years WITHOUT ANY GRASS competition. Once the trees are mature they can tolerate some grass but will yield less.
Nathan Pickard wrote:Thank you. That is very helpful! I have another question. I noticed you put Dave Jackie's Food Forest book on your website. Have you done any work making orchards look more like patterns found in nature rather than straight rows? I was thinking of the Mandela (sp?) pattern for example.
Nathan Pickard wrote:
Stefan Sobkowiak wrote:
Nathan Pickard wrote:Stephan. I enjoyed the movie very much. I was wondering whether you have ever let grass grow around your fruit tree and can talk about the difference in yield?
I planted another 1.5 acre block in 2008 the year after the block in the movie. I let grass grow around the trees. It's a disaster. Many trees are 4 feet high and covered in flowers. These trees should be 12 feet high. Yield is 10-20% of what they should be. A third block of 2 acres with a plastic mulch planted in 2009 gives far more and is doing much better. Lesson: if you plant fruit trees make sure they have 5 years WITHOUT ANY GRASS competition. Once the trees are mature they can tolerate some grass but will yield less.
Thank you. That is very helpful! I have another question. I noticed you put Dave Jackie's Food Forest book on your website. Have you done any work making orchards look more like patterns found in nature rather than straight rows? I was thinking of the Mandela (sp?) pattern for example.
Nathan Pickard wrote:That makes a lot of sense. I am showing your video to someone this weekend who is buying 12 acres and is very conventional. I think your video is the perfect thing to show him he can make more money by going your route while not straying so far away from a normal orchard that he thinks we are all crazy. I was just curious if you had experimented with it at all and good reasons against it from a practical standpoint.
Serge Leblanc wrote:Once the grass is well established & grown in, how do you apply the plasti mulch?
One row on each side of the fruit trees, cut where needed or fill in with other pieces in between ?
Wooden stakes hold it down un till chop & drop covers it?
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